Sunday, October 01, 2006

Spring Flowers

The essence of spring - flowers, the discarded blue eggshells of hatched weaver birds, guinea fowl feathers, all collected together into a stunning, spontaneous art installation by my six year old daughter. The carpets of daisies that covered our farm in early spring are now all seeding themselves. Warm dry days have put an end to the pypies, but brought out the majestic watsonias, some of them as tall as I am. Strawberries and mulberries are in full flow and we have the luxury of berries for breakfast, home-made berry ice-cream and berry smoothies. The joys of photographing carpets of flowers, have been superceded by the culinary delights of the cornucopia of our early summer harvest and pure greed! I'll be wielding my new digital camera to capture the watsonia flowers soon though. They are the last in line of the spring flowers before dry, dusty summer hits us, with just the occasional relief of the deep blue agapanthus flower and sky blue plumbago to gladden the eye of the flower pic afficionado. After that my digital camera and I will be off flower duty for the summer, though I'm sure I'll be able to find some flower pics from the archives to brighten up this blog!

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