Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pincushion Protea

Winter flowers in South Africa like to be seen! Bright orange, shouting at the sun, this pincushion protea brightens even a dull day, with its mad, punk hairstyle. The bees were buzzing around it, crawling into its depths to retrieve their nectar. The bush is heavy with blooms. I had to cut a bunch for the house, to relieve the weight on its branches, lest they break beneath the burden. An avant garde flower arrangement resulted - something the London florists would kill for, here just prunings from our garden! Pretty special prunings and a rich source of flower pictures for a photographer.

This is definitely the busy season for flower photos. The flowers will be coming out in droves to party from now through August till mid-spring, when a bout of hot weather sends them into hiding, to weather the hot summer months. posted by Kit

1 comment:

kansasrose said...

Now these flower pictures are seriously cool!